To reference SpineCreator or the code generation tool-chain, please use:
Cope, A.J., Richmond, P., James, S.S. et al. “SpineCreator: a Graphical User Interface for the Creation of Layered Neural Models” Neuroinformatics (2016). doi:10.1007/s12021-016-9311-z
To reference the SpineML language please use this publication:
Richmond P, Cope A, Gurney K, Allerton DJ. “From Model Specification to Simulation of Biologically Constrained Networks of Spiking Neurons” Neuroinformatics. 2013 Nov 20
The following poster is available describing an overview of the toolchain.
Cope AJ, Richmond P. “A toolchain for creation of spiking neural networks utilising NineML - a tool independent XML model description format” Poster presentation at eFutures workshop `Building Bridges to Building Brains` Edinburgh 2012 available here
The following publications use SpineML and SpineCreator, if you would like to add a paper to this list please contact us:
PLOS Computational Biology, 2016
Keywords: bee, spineml, spinecreator, model
A model of motion detection in the bee created using SpineCreator
linkFrontiers in Neuroscience, 2017
Keywords: action selection, action sequence, basal ganglia, chunking, enkephalin, neuropeptides, striatum, substance P
Describes a hybrid spiking/rate coded model of the striatal microcircuit
linkIEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 2018
Keywords: spinecreator, spiking neurons, basal ganglia, spinnaker, comparative study
Compares implementations of the same basal ganglia model in SpiNNaker and SpineCreator.
linkFrontiers in Neuroscience, 2018
Keywords: Oculomotor Muscles, Saccades, Biomechanics, Basal Ganglia, integrated brain and biomechanics, Neuromuscular Junction
This paper presents a biophysically accurate oculomotor brain model which moves a virtual, biomechanical eye.