SpineML The Spiking Neural Mark-up Language

Developer Information: SpineCreator Annotations and Project file

SpineCreator Annotations

SpineCreator stores information about the 2D layout of networks, the 3D layout of neurons, the 2D routing of inputs and projections, and python scripts used to generate some ConnectionList data, as Annotations using the new SpineML Annotations tags. Annotations about an object (population/projection etc…) are stored inside that tag, and SpineCreator will respect existing Annotations in the tags it modifies. In order for other software to be built that can utilise the SpineCreator information we present a guide to the tags and information that can be stored in Annotations through SpineCreator.


An annotations tag within a Population stores the following information.

      <xPos value="-11.2353"/>
      <yPos value="12.5792"/>
      <animSpeed value="0.2"/>
      <aspectRatio value="1.66667"/>
      <colour red="0" green="0" blue="0"/>
      <size value="1"/>
      <tag value="2"/>
      <x3D value="0"/>
      <y3D value="0"/>
      <z3D value="0"/>
      <is_visualised value="0"/>


Contains Description
@value::float The 2D X position of the Population


Contains Description
@value::float The 2D Y position of the Population


Contains Description
@value::float The speed that a moved Population follows the mouse cursor


Contains Description
@value::float The ratio of the width to the height of the Population icon


Contains Description
@red::unit The red component of the Population icon colour (0:255)
@green::unit The green component of the Population icon colour (0:255)
@blue::unit The blue component of the Population icon colour (0:255)


Contains Description
@value::float The size of the Population icon


Contains Description
@value::int Not currently used by SpineCreator


Contains Description
@value::int The initial 3D X offset for drawing the neurons in the Population in 3D space


Contains Description
@value::int The initial 3D Y offset for drawing the neurons in the Population in 3D space


Contains Description
@value::int The initial 3D Z offset for drawing the neurons in the Population in 3D space


An annotations tag within a Projection stores the following information.

      <DrawOptions style="0" showlabel="0"/>
      <start x="9.27878" y="7.23497"/>
          <C1 xpos="9.4914" ypos="7.23497"/>
          <C2 xpos="9.4914" ypos="7.22533"/>
          <end xpos="9.56297" ypos="7.22533"/>


Contains Description
@style::int Identifies the style used to draw the Projection in SpineCreator
@showlabel::bool Used to indicate if a label describing the Projection type should be displayed


Contains Description
@x::float The X start point of the bezier curves used to describe the 2D form of the Projection
@y::float The Y start point of the bezier curves used to describe the 2D form of the Projection


Contains Description
curve [1:…] Container for the bezier curve points used to describe the 2D form of the Projection


Contains Description
C1 [1] Bezier cubic curve C1 control point (See Qt documentation for QPainterPath::cubicTo for more details)
C2 [1] Bezier cubic curve C2 control point (See Qt documentation for QPainterPath::cubicTo for more details)
end [1] Bezier cubic curve end point (See Qt documentation for QPainterPath::cubicTo for more details)


Contains Description
@xpos::float X location of C1 bezier point
@ypos::float Y location of C1 bezier point


Contains Description
@xpos::float X location of C2 bezier point
@ypos::float Y location of C2 bezier point


Contains Description
@xpos::float X location of end bezier point
@ypos::float Y location of end bezier point


An annotations tag within a Input stores the following information.

      <start x="9.21702" y="5.48872"/>
          <C1 xpos="8.94197" ypos="6.10971"/>
          <C2 xpos="8.94197" ypos="6.10971"/>
          <end xpos="8.66691" ypos="6.7307"/>

For descriptions of these tags please refer to the Projection section


An annotations tag within a ConnectionList stores the following information.

    <Script text="#!/usr/bin/python&#10;&#10;#PARNAME=size #LOC=1,1&#10;#PARNAME=scale #LOC=2,1&#10;#PARNAME=inhib #LOC=3,1&#10;#HASWEIGHT&#10;&#10;def connectionFunc( srclocs, dstlocs, size, scale, inhib ): &#10;..."/>
    <Config weightProperty="w"/>


Contains Description
@text:string The text describing a script for generating a ConnectionList of connectivity


Contains Description
@weightProperty:string A reference to the WeightUpdate Property name where an ExplictList is created by the Python script

SpineCreator Project file

SpineCreator stores the details of the xml files that compose the current Project in a file with the .proj extension. The format of this files is as follows:

  <File name="model.xml"/>
  <File name="LIN_adap.xml"/>
  <File name="LIF_det.xml"/>
  <File name="LIF_det1.xml"/>
  <File name="LIFposneg.xml"/>
  <File name="LIF1.xml"/>
  <File name="none.xml"/>
  <File name="hexagonal.xml"/>
  <File name="experiment0.xml"/>
  <File name="experiment1.xml"/>
  <File name="luminances.json"/>
  <File name="external.xsl"/>


Contains Description
Network [1] Contains the SpineML Network for the project
Conponents [1] Contains the SpineML Components for the project
Layouts [1] Contains the SpineML Layouts for the project
Experiments [1] Contains the SpineML Experiments for the project
AdditionalFiles [1] List of non-SpineML files for the project


Contains Description
File [1] The network file name


Contains Description
File [1:…] The component file names


Contains Description
File [1:…] The layout file names


Contains Description
File [1:…] The experiment file names


Contains Description
File [1:…] Additional file name


Contains Description
@name:string The name of a file